Transforming Leadership

We know that there is a need for more impactful and dynamic leadership as we live in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world.
Unfortunately, leadership capability tends to be patchy in many organisations, and most traditional leadership development programs are failing to address these inconsistencies.
We need more leaders who are capable of helping their organisations not only navigate change, but also thrive in it. We work with our clients to develop their leaders for success in a VUCA world. This includes leadership coaching and the ‘The Mindful Leader Vertical Growth’ program.
The Mindful Leader Vertical Growth program is a transformational program incorporating cutting-edge developmental practices. It is a hybrid digital program housed in the Awakened Mind mobile application. This scalable program integrates leadership and well-being and is based on the growth mindset, values, developmental culture, psychological safety, personal accountability, and overcoming the immunity to change.